When I first built the step attenuator, I wanted it to check linearity of amplifier stages. I only needed a relative change in the insertion loss of the attenuator. Recntly I was able to use my NanoVNA to measure the actual insertion loss across the total frequency range I am interested in. I also received some questions about showing the actual insertion loss instead of the relative value,
Because of this I made a change to the code to switch the display value from relative to actual by a long press of the encoder knob.
First I added some definitions and variables
float InsertionLoss = 2.6; //insertion loss of attenuator at 0 dB
int InLossMode = 0; // actual insertion loss or relative
#define ActualLoss 0 // display value selected actual + //insertion loss
#define RelLoss 1 // display just value //selected without insertion loss
The code to read the button push was modified to also check for a long press if you want to change display mode to show the actual insertion loss.
// check button for display mode and step size
if (button) {
if (button == SHORT_PRESS ) { // toggle step size
if (AttenStep == 1) AttenStep = 10;
else AttenStep = 1;
button = 0;
else { // toggle insertion loss display type
if (InLossMode == ActualLoss) InLossMode = RelLoss ;
else InLossMode = ActualLoss;
button = 0;
The display routine was modified to show th display value depnding on the InLossMode variable,
if (InLossMode == ActualLoss) { // show actual insertion loss
display.setCursor(20, 15);
display.print("Actual "); // indicate type
display.setCursor(10, 30); // clear last value
display.print(" ");
// update display
display.setCursor(10, 30);
display.print( (AttenValue + InsertionLoss), 1) ;
else {
display.setTextSize(1); // show relative value
display.setCursor(20, 15);
display.print("Relative "); // indicate type
display.setCursor(10, 30);
display.print(" "); // clear last value
// update display
display.setCursor(10, 30);
display.print( AttenValue, 1);
// display "dB."
display.print( " ");
display.setCursor(80, 38);
display.print( " dB.");
Updated code is available at